Getting Back to the Basics for World Backup Day!

It’s a nightmare situation for any business owner when all of their essential data suddenly disappears. Fortunately, there are measures that you can take to turn this nightmare into an inconvenience. However, you must also be certain that these measures are adequate...

Tip of the Week: 3 Best Practices to Organize Your Files and Devices

It can be hard to accomplish work in a timely manner when your technology is a haphazard mess. To help with this, we’re devoting this week’s tip to three ways you can improve workflow by organizing your technology. Make Sure Your Files Are Where They Need To Be How do...

IBM Drops Bomb on the Industry By Storing Data on an Atom

Data storage has long been a major pain point for technology development, but a rather large (or small) breakthrough has resulted in data being stored on a single atom. The development comes from researchers at IBM, and it could have a potentially nuclear impact on...

Tip of the Week: 4 Ways Google Maps Can Enhance Your Next Trip

Mapping the known world has long been an endeavor sought by explorers, but thanks to a relatively recent tool called Google Maps, anyone with knowledge of a smartphone can see the world at a glance. Granted, Google Maps isn’t the easiest tool to use, but if you follow...

Unified Threat Management Keeps Your Network Safer

Network security is equally important for businesses of all sizes. Ensuring that your infrastructure remains firm is one of the most crucial tasks in managing a business. You don’t have to do it alone, though. There are enterprise-level tools available that can give...

Do You Need Data Backup? The Answer: Absolutely

There are two types of businesses in this world. The ones that do backup and the ones that will do backup… (after they lost everything). Data backup is something of a conundrum for many small businesses. The classic mindset is that they don’t think they need...

A VPN Allows Productivity Without Sacrificing Security

Security needs to be a priority for everyone involved with business. This has led to a rise in the use of solutions that will protect the security and privacy of the user and their systems. A very common, yet effective, means of securing your data is to use a virtual...

100 Countries Hit By Android DDoS Malware

In what is one of the first attacks of its kind, a botnet dubbed WireX swept across 100 countries, controlling over 120,000 IP addresses at its peak. The factor that made WireX so unique was the fact that the botnet was made up of Android-powered devices that had one...

Proper Hard Drive Disposal is An Involved Process

When a business utilizes any kind of technology, there will come a time when that technology needs to be replaced–which means that the business will need to be sure that any data on the old machines cannot be recovered. This, in turn, means that the machine’s...