What Can We Learn From the Library of Congress’ Recent Hack Attack?

Believe it or not, there’s more news in Washington D.C. than matters concerning the upcoming election–namely the fact that the Library of Congress was struck by a DoS (Denial of Service) attack in July, supporting the members of government in their calls for an...

The Internet Has a Field Day When AOL’s CEO Gets Hacked

If you’re the CEO of a mass media organization, you should know intimately well how brutal a hacking attack could be for your reputation. This happened to Tim Armstrong, the CEO of AOL. His Twitter account was posting 20 spam-filled tweets every second. As you can...

Tip of the Week: How to Customize Your Windows 10 Notifications

Windows 10 has been issued updates that provide users with brand new ways to receive notifications. While you can go through Android and iOS’s Cortana app, there’s a better way to manage your notifications. We’ll walk you through the process of customizing your...

Was the NSA Hacked By Enemies Abroad, or Was It an Inside Job?

Not long ago, a group referring to itself as the Shadow Brokers distributed hacking tools utilized by the United States National Security Agency (NSA), on various publically-accessible websites. While the motives of the Shadow Brokers are a story for another time, an...

4 Reasons Why Businesses Love Office 365

Decision makers for small and medium-sized businesses certainly have a tough job. Each choice they make on the behalf of the business has repercussions, which could potentially influence the rest of the company, for better or for worse. Therefore, we’d like to take...