3 Automation Apps to Make You a Master Multitasker

Multitasking is no easy thing for a human being to do, no matter what anyone says–our brains simply are not wired to focus on more than one task at a time. To resolve this dilemma, there are apps that will automatically carry out an action if triggered by a user...

4 Not-So-Dark Truths About the Dark Web

Throughout your journey through the business world, you may have heard rumors, hushed whispers of a deep, dark world beneath the surface of the Internet. Well, it’s real, and it’s known as a hotbed of corruption, where hackers can sell stolen credentials and personal...

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update Doesn’t Let You Turn Off Cortana

Voice assistants like Apple’s Siri and Google Now have become omnipresent on smartphones and other devices, and Microsoft’s Cortana is hoping to capitalize on their popularity. However, Windows 10’s anniversary update has not been kind to the voice assistant, and...